The Presence of the Eternal in Time

  1. All Creation is Lit up with the Light of the Eternal
  2. The Timeless Eternity is the Light of Lights, the Illimitable Light Secretly Sustaining all Lights Formed in Time-Space
  3. The Quest for the Eternal is an Inexorably Rational and Organic Quest
  4. The Infinite in the Finite - the Transcendent in the Empirical
  5. Everything Experienced in the Dream is Formed of, and in, the Dreaming Consciousness.
  6. The Experience of the Eternal Can Be Made a Normal Feature of Our Life
  7. The Eternal is Indestructible and Remains Absolutely Unaffected by the Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution of the Cosmic Processes
  8. The Eternal is Not a Nihil, but That Which, while Seeming to be Nothing, Bears in Itself Endless and Timeless Wonders
  9. Consciousness is Inconceivably and Indescribably Rich in its Content
  10. The Wonder-Working Eternal Consciousness is Inseparable from the Static, Transcendental, Timeless Eternity of Existence
  11. Persons who Know, See, Live in, the Eternal
  12. The Eternal is the Infinite Life, Joy, Peace, Power, Perfection
  13. Results of the Experience of the Eternal Everywhere
  14. The Immeasurable Everywhere becomes the Immediate Here; the Endless Past and the Endless Future become the Eternal Now
  15. The Dignity of Human Reason and the Greatness of the Human Heart Lie in Envisaging and Experiencing the Eternal
  16. We are Born of Heaven, Subsist by its Grace, and Our Strength, Power, Joy, Lie in Our Conscious, Organic, Dynamic, Relations with It
  17. Science speaks of our universal system. - who shall, then, consider the series of universal systems which preceded the present one that science investigates?
  18. Consciousness is Ageless, Ever Pure, Self-luminous, All-creative
  19. Nothing is Ever Lost. All that Perished a Billion Years Ago Can Be Recreated Now and Witnessed; and All that is Going to be Born a Billion Years Hence Can be Pre-seen Now
  20. It is the Supreme Witnessless Witness of Everything; It Is the Infinite Unobserved Observer
  21. Every Inch of Creation Is Luminous with the Kingdom of Heaven
  22. The Pressure of the Presence of the Eternal in the Human Individual Does not Allow Him to Hypnotize Himself to the Human Situation, for long.
  23. Conditions for the Experience of the Eternal in the Field of Daily Life
  24. The Marvellous Intelligence of the All-recording Divine Consciousness of the Eternal, is the Heart of our Inner Being
  25. Results of the Touch of the Timeless

Comment: The Design between each chapter leads back to the index.


All Creation is Lit up with the Light of the Eternal. It Needs
a Highly Developed Reason and the Sensitivity
of a Purified Heart to Perceive and Experience this.

In each of us, there is that indestructible Light which is the eternal Witness to the Eternal in all time-processes. In each of us, there is the all-observing and self-observing Consciousness. In each of us there is that Witness, that witnessless Witness, which is witnessing everything. There is nothing which does not carry the Infinite and the Eternal. All is laid in the bosom of the Timeless and the Eternal. The whole creation is lit up with the Light of the all-creative Divine Consciousness.

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The Timeless Eternity is the Light of Lights,
the Illimitable Light Secretly Sustaining all
Lights Formed in Time-Space

The Light eternal, timeless, indestructible, ensouls our outer limited being formed by, and in, that Light itself. It is this Light that enables our mind to see, and through our Mind, our physical eyes to see. When a person is asleep in the blazing midday sun, he does not see, though his physical eyes are open, as it is the case with some peculiar constitutions. To him, all is dark. But should he dream, he sees. He sees that he is in the dining-room and eating. It is the light of consciousness in the dream-state that enables him to see. A person can close his eyes and yet see, mentally. He sees in the light of the consciousness, in waking-state. A person can close his physical eyes, close also the mental eye, and rise in contemplative states of inner Consciousness to the supramental levels of being, and see with the eye of the divine, eternal, spiritual Consciousness.

Consciousness alone is the real Light. Without it, there is no creation of physical light, and there is no possibility of beholding anything, either physically, or mentally, or spiritually, or in any condition. Consciousness is Light. Light has formed us, is in us, around us, above us, everywhere.

The light of the consciousness is all-important. Its parent, the timeless and transcendental Light, is the ultimate Source and Sustainer of everything.

The unconditioned, absolute, infinite, eternal, indestructible, unchanging Consciousness, is the parent of our limited, conditioned, changing, individualised consciousness; and, by the logic of its inner organic relations with the timeless Consciousness, it can steadily recover its oneness and identity in infinitude, with the unconditioned Consciousness.

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The Quest for the Eternal is an Inexorably
Rational and Organic Quest

The quest for the Eternal is not a dreamy, fanciful, irrational quest. It is an organic demand of the Divine within each of us. Reason in its ultimate strength compels it; Love in its devotional force impels it; Faith as a flame from the Soul's natural upward movement urges it. It is at once a truly natural, supra-psychological, aesthetic quest. It requires a reason far more powerful and luminous than the reason that subsisted in Hegel, to behold the Eternal in the creation, in the time-space world. It takes a greater mystical perception than that which subsisted in the heart of Meister Eckhart, to dwell in the Heart of the Eternal in a space-time universe. In the bud, the potentiality to unfold its petals is resident, and finds its continuous activity unperceived in its processes by the eye of man. Even so, the potentiality of the Timeless in time finds its continuous and gentle unfoldment, until the time-formed human consciousness disappears into the fragrance of the Timeless Reality. From the Timeless to the Timeless is the journey of the time in the Timeless. The denouement of the time in the Timeless is as grand as the unfathomable beginning of the time in the fathomlessness of the Timeless.

The quest for the Eternal is the logical necessity of the individual constitution, and it is the most invincible quest. It is fundamental and inevitable. It is unavoidable that the heart of the individual should press its way forward to an experience of the Eternal. The Divine in us demands the experience of the Divine everywhere. The Heaven in us asks for the experience of the Heaven everywhere. There is the Divine Light in each of us which looks always for the Light of Love, the Light of Knowledge, the Light of Peace, Joy, Perfection. The rain-bearing clouds cannot be at ease unless they pour out rains on earth; the Timeless never leaves man at rest until he grows illuminated and pours out through his personality, the treasures of the Timeless in the time-ridden earth.

No man can be content, no man can be satisfied, until his consciousness is uplifted into the experience of the eternal peace, happiness and perfection; or until the Timeless becomes the heart of his experience, and floods for his conscious inner experience, his space-time world, with its splendours.

It is as natural for the time-bound soul in tiring material environs, to ask for the Timeless, as it is for the child lost amidst its toys and tired of play with them, to ask for its mother. It is as natural for the soul bound in time to seek union with the Soul of the Timeless, as it is for the bound waters of the river to seek union with the boundless waters of the ocean. It is as natural for the human soul to find its release into the experience of the vastness of the Eternal and the Absolute, as it is for the air in the balloon to find its freedom, joy and boundlessness, in the experience of the universal air.

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The Infinite in the Finite -
the Transcendent in the Empirical

The Infinite sustains the finite. The Transcendent is immanent in the empirical. The noumenal is the support of all phenomena. The Absolute is the secret Heart of the individual. Like a piece of ice in the deeps of the ocean, everything is inside, and surrounded and ensouled by, the Eternal. Everywhere, everything is born of the Infinite, is subsisting in the Infinite, and will be re-absorbed into the Infinite.

What is the nature of the Infinite? The Infinite is indestructible, unlimited, unconditioned, eternal, timeless, spaceless, boundless. How could we illustrate to the common human intelligence this great truth that we are sustained by the Infinite, that the Eternal is the very soul, heart, of all time-processes?

All that is manifest, is manifest in the Unmanifest. The Unmanifest is in the manifest. There can be no time-phenomenon without the foundation of the Timeless. Nothing is conceivable outside the context of the Eternal, outside the being of the Timeless, outside the infinite Consciousness, called God, called Truth, called the Absolute.

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Everything Experienced in the Dream is Formed of,
and in, the Dreaming Consciousness.
Even so is All Formed in, and by,
the Eternal and Infinite Essence

Thomas falls asleep. He dreams. He sees a wonderful city. He moves among the mountains surrounding the city. He sees thousands of people. He takes a plunge into the waters of the sea that lies on the Western side of the city. He has a refreshing bath. - Who formed the city, the mountains, the people and the sea? Consciousness in its dreaming state. Where did it fashion all these? In consciousness. Of what have all these been made? Of consciousness.

Thomas sees a great fire. The fire is so furious, so vast, that it burns down the whole town. What brought into existence this phenomenon of fire? What sustained it? What maintained it? Where was it maintained? In consciousness, by consciousness - consciousness in the dreaming state. Even so, the entire creation is brought into existence in the eternal and timeless Consciousness of the Supreme Godhead.

In that timeless Reality of the Ultimate Being, everything is brought into being; and in everything that is made manifest, the timeless Consciousness is present. The one infinite homogenous Essence of all-creative wonders, is everywhere and in everything. Without that, no experience is possible, no phenomenon is possible, no manifestation of any kind is possible.

If Thomas were unconscious, or were deprived of consciousness, he could not dream, and if he could not dream, he would not have fashioned the city, the mountains, the sea, the fire he saw and experienced. Therefore, consciousness is the foundation of all the experiences that Thomas has undergone in the dreaming state. Even so, timeless, imperishable, all-pure, all-luminous Consciousness of the Eternal, is the basis and the soul of all that is created.

Consciousness is the foundation of all knowledge, sensation, experience, and yet it is absolutely uninvolved, untouched, unaffected by any process of knowledge, sensation, experience; and, Consciousness is the very nature of the eternal and infinite Existence. Therefore, the Eternal is everywhere in the fields of finite knowledge, sensation, experience. The Timeless is in the time. Even as the entire two-hour motion picture is unrolled on the static background of the white screen, the entire drama of the time-space world is unrolled upon the static background of the Timeless. However, the relation between the time and the Timeless is not as single as that. The Timeless not only makes possible and furnishes a background and a field to the time-processes, but is in the time-processes. Even as the light gives life to, and is in, the pictures on the film that is being unrolled on the static screen, the Timeless gives life to, and is in, the time-processes. Neither the screen, nor the light, is affected by the pictures in action. Even so, the Timeless, neither as the static background of, nor as the light that is in, the time-process, is affected by any phenomenon produced by the time-processes. Whether it is a tree or a stone, it is full of the Eternal. Within it and around it, is the Eternal.

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The Experience of the Eternal Can Be
Made a Normal Feature of Our Life

This grand Kingdom of the Beatitude, this indescribably beautiful Reality of the boundless Existence, this infinite Peace of the Eternal, the inconceivable possibilities of the timeless Consciousness, become the substance of our immediate experience, when our consciousness is uplifted, exalted in contemplative states. To the mystic, these states of consciousness become normal. He begins to perceive the Eternal in all that is visible. He lives in his own eternal world of infinite Peace and Happiness. He is in tune with the one infinite Heart of God in all that is perceived by his physical senses.

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The Eternal is Indestructible and Remains
Absolutely Unaffected by the Creation,
Sustenance and Dissolution of the Cosmic Processes

In the eternal Light, all this creation is fashioned. It is maintained by this eternal Light. The Timeless supports the manifest universe. When the universe is dissolved, nothing happens in the Timeless. The Timeless is not affected. The Eternal is the same in all conditions. It is beyond time, though it is the heart of time. It is unaffected by the processes of time, though the processes of time take place in the Timeless.

With the destruction of the city in that dream of Thomas, was the consciousness of the dreamer destroyed? Certainly not. Was the consciousness of Thomas burnt down? Was the consciousness of Thomas in any way affected, influenced, or troubled? Certainly not. In the morning, the moment he gets up, he knows that all his experiences were nothing but a dream, and that the conditions and experiences in the dream-phenomenon have not affected the consciousness, have not touched, or influenced, the consciousness in any way. The consciousness is all-pure, all-luminous, untouchable, cannot be rendered impure, cannot be affected by anything, not by fire, not by water, not by any power.

The Eternal in the creation, in the cosmos, in the time-space world, is never touched. The destructions of the universes, or the operations of the cosmic scheme within the Eternal, do not, in any way, affect the Eternal. Nothing that is happening in, or to, the world, affects the Eternal that is in, yet above, the world; what is more, nothing can happen without the Eternal. This is the Mystery. This is the Truth. This is the Greatness of God who is indestructible, imperishable, all-wonderful, untouched by anything that is happening.

Thousands of children on the vast snowfields make numberless figures, forms, images. Most of these forms are completely destroyed and made one with the general shapelessness of the vast snowfields. In what way is the snow-field affected by the destruction of its own forms on itself, and in what way is it, in its substance, influenced by the forms that are not yet destroyed? In no way. Even so, the Timeless is untouched by the formations of time, in itself, or by the destruction of these formations.

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The Eternal is Not a Nihil, but That Which,
while Seeming to be Nothing, Bears in
Itself Endless and Timeless Wonders

The Eternal is not a nothingness. It is not a blank. Though there seems to be nothing in it, yet everything is in it. The Timeless Nothing is the container of everything poured into time and space. Everything emerges from, and is re-absorbed into, the infinite Nothing. Look at the mind of your great poet-friend who is drinking peacefully a cup of tea, next to you. There is nothing in that mind, yet thousands of beautiful thoughts, images, pictures in words, can arise from it. Even so, in the Timeless there is nothing, yet everything emerges from It, is sustained in Itself, and re-absorbed into Itself.

Look at the head of Thomas! It is so small, yet in it the consciousness works wonders. All creative possibilities are latent in the consciousness of Thomas. Look at the marvels that it brings into being, in the dream condition!

From where does it bring all the colours with which it creates the universe in the mind of Thomas? The lion that Thomas sees, in the dream, is real. The beauty of nature that he beholds, is real, so long as he is beholding it and experiencing it. The dog-bite that he experiences in the dream is real, and makes him shriek of pain.

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Consciousness is Inconceivably and
Indescribably Rich in its Content

How did the consciousness create all these? From where did it bring all these materials to build up this grand new world of dream-experience? All materials are latent in the consciousness. If Thomas looks at his own consciousness, he finds nothing; but, it is yet capable of creating wonders, new worlds of experience, its own time-space orders. Within a few minutes, in the dream condition, Thomas passes through a life of sixty years. The consciousness creates its own worlds of time-space experience.

The room in which Thomas is sleeping is so small, the head of Thomas is still more small, yet the consciousness within that head creates vast spaces, creates a whole cosmos. He sees the stars. He looks at the planets. There are immeasurable depths of space. In a minute, it makes the dreamer pass through a lifetime of experience. It fashions its own time-orders.

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The Wonder-Working Eternal Consciousness is
Inseparable from the Static, Transcendental,
Timeless Eternity of Existence

Consciousness is all-marvellous. Consciousness is the eternal Existence. Consciousness and Existence cannot be separated from each other. It is in this Consciousness, this divine, eternal Consciousness, or the Timeless God, that all manifestations have taken place.

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Persons who Know, See, Live in, the Eternal

Therefore, in all that you see, in all that you touch, or feel, or can think of, in all that you can experience, there is the pulsation of the Eternal, there is the soul of the Timeless. The wise sages see It. The pure in heart experience It. The mystics live in It. The great saints know It. The most gifted philosophers of the world understand It. Revelation uncovers It. Uninvited inner perceptions disclose It. The brilliant in intellect, the sensitive in the soul, the aesthetic in temper and mood, the spiritual in action, seek to model their own lives after the patterns in ideal living it presents.

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The Eternal is the Infinite Life, Joy,
Peace, Power, Perfection

The Eternal Being is the very seed of our soul. It is the Kingdom of Heaven within us. It is all-marvellous. It can unroll for us a grand, boundless Kingdom of Peace, Beauty, Light, and Joy. There is everything in It.

There is a passage from the time to the Timeless, as the Eternal is incident in the temporal, and the temporal is embedded in the Eternal. The Timeless Reality, or the Unseen, is resident in the seen and supports the seen; but the temporal, or the seen, does not know the Unseen; the Unseen knows fully the seen.

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Results of the Experience of
the Eternal Everywhere

The moment our consciousness is released into an experience of the Eternal, the moment our inner heart becomes one with this Eternal, everywhere in creation, the external cosmos shrinks in its proportions, in its dimensions, and it is somewhere, in some tiny corner of our vast, immeasurable inner Consciousness. Man, the microcosm, becomes the macrocosm, and transcends it; Man finds that all is in himself, and he, as the eternal Consciousness, is indescribably vaster than all the immeasurable skies and universal systems.

The cosmos is no more external to us. It is something internal to us; it is not even a small mattress on the surface of a vast, boundless sea that our inner eternal Consciousness is. The external becomes the internal, the internal embraces, exceeds, transcends the external. The Kingdom within us is greater than the kingdom without, and, therefore, overcomes and transcends the latter. These marvels, these wonders, of the Timeless, keep the mystics occupied, and the sages absorbed.

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The Immeasurable Everywhere becomes the
Immediate Here; the Endless Past and the
Endless Future become the Eternal Now

When our heart becomes one with the Eternal in all that we touch, see and know, we are at once in all the continents; we are everything, and anything anywhere is here and now with us. Space has disappeared. Time has disappeared. We are in the inner Heart of the Eternal, consciously, in living experience. It is an indescribable joy. We have unlimited freedom. This is the true freedom; this is the true joy. This is the freedom of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the joy of the Infinite. It alone is to be aspired after, by the human individual. If the human individual has this, all else shall be added unto him. If he has not this, it is as good as if he has nothing.

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The Dignity of Human Reason and the
Greatness of the Human Heart Lie
in Envisaging and Experiencing the Eternal

The dignity of the human reason consists in its capacity of inquiring in these matters concerning the Timeless. The greatness of the human heart lies in its responsiveness to the presence of the Timeless in all creation.

Let us cultivate the habit of seeing everything from the standpoint of the Eternal and the Infinite. When we look at life and its events, men and things, the world and the universe, from the standpoint of the Timeless, we have the truest perspectives to them; they fall in their right place. We find ourselves suddenly granted rare peace, inner strength, and joy. Calmness and fearlessness, poise and purity, become the normal features of our daily nature.

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We are Born of Heaven, Subsist by its Grace,
and Our Strength, Power, Joy, Lie in Our
Conscious, Organic, Dynamic, Relations with It

We are born of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the Kingdom of Heaven that is sustaining and supporting us every minute. Let those who have eyes of the soul to behold, behold. Let those who have the keenest perceptions of reason, perceive.

When our inner Consciousness is liberated from the bodily awareness, from the consciousness of the time-space world, and released into the experience of the Infinite in the finite, the Absolute in the individual, the Transcendent in the empirical, the Divine in the human, God in man and matter, Truth in mind and life, we find everywhere a boundless creative Light, which was, is and will always be.

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Science speaks of our universal system. - who shall,
then, consider the series of universal systems which
preceded the present one that science investigates?

Where is the beginning to the universal systems, and where the end? This endless process of creation, sustenance and dissolution of the universal systems, constitutes Time-Eternity. What supports this Time-Eternity? The Timeless-Eternity.

Science studies, examines reports on, our cosmos. Upon the bosom of the Timeless, countless such cosmoses had come into existence, were sustained, and were dissolved. When did the universe begin? The most trained and powerful scientific intelligence is unable to answer.

What was before this creation? Another creation. What was before that creation? Another creation. Regress in this manner. Who can say when the universes began unrolling themselves? This is the Time-Eternity. There is the Transcendent Being, Timeless-Eternity, within and beyond these manifestations, beyond these endless cycles of manifestations.

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Consciousness is Ageless, Ever Pure,
Self-luminous, All-creative

Thomas can go on dreaming every night a new dream. Every night he can recreate a new world of experience. The consciousness in him is not affected. It does not grow old. It has no traces of yesterday's dream. It is ever pure. It is ever luminous. It can create everything. It has in It everything, all beauty, all materials. Endless are its capacities, its potentialities and possibilities. Infinitely more so, with regard to the infinite Consciousness, the Consciousness of the Eternal Being, called God or the Absolute. It is the supremely marvellous. It is not touched by what it creates. The sky is not affected by the clouds. The sky is not affected by the rain. It supports the clouds, it makes possible the rain, yet is untouched by both of them. When the planets themselves are burnt out, the sky is not touched, the sky is not burnt. It is ever pure; it is untouched by whatever is happening in itself. Even so, the Eternal is not touched by what is happening in Itself. God is not affected, or burnt down, by the burning down of His own worlds, and in Himself. This is the Mystery. This is the Truth. This is the Wonder of wonders. This is the Soul of our soul. This is our real Life. Our outer body, and outer personality, is a temporary structure, petty, weak, perishable, insignificant.

The timeless infinite Being is our real soul and personality; the omniscience of the Eternal Consciousness is our real mind; the indescribable light and beauty of the immortal and absolute God is our real heart. The freedom of the boundless Reality is our real freedom. The peace of the Infinite is our real peace. Even a vague sense of the Eternal fills us with strength, peace and joy.

The Kingdom of Heaven within us is everything. It can create for us millions of bodies. It has boundless capacities. The Eternal is our breath. The Timeless is our real personality. God is our real face. The Infinite is our real soul. The Unmanifest is our very life-breath.

The Unmanifest is the Eternal; it is not manifest, but it makes possible all manifestations within Itself. It is beginningless and endless. It is the Unborn. The Kingdom of Heaven within us is unborn, unmanifest, indestructible, boundless, absolute, yet it makes possible all manifestations. There is everything in It.

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Nothing is Ever Lost. All that Perished a Billion
Years Ago Can Be Recreated Now and Witnessed;
and All that is Going to be Born a Billion Years
Hence Can be Pre-seen Now

Our Divine Consciousness, our eternal Being, can now reproduce the whole life-story of Beethoven, can enstage it before our eyes just now, within seconds. It can recreate for us the past cycles of creation. It can give us a preview of the universes that are going to be created.

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It is the Supreme Witnessless Witness of Everything;
It Is the Infinite Unobserved Observer

It is the all-marvellous Light. It knows everything. It sees everything, and nothing knows It. No-one sees It, and It sees everyone. It observes everyone; no-one observes It. The mystics in their attempt to observe It, become one with It, and become themselves the one supreme Observer.

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Every Inch of Creation Is Luminous
with the Kingdom of Heaven

Blessed is the creation; for, every atom of it carries in itself the perfections of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Eternal. The problems of the human consciousness are problems that do not belong to God. They are not of the Eternal. The logic of the Imperishable Reality is incomprehensible to the logic of the perishable human reason. The Eternal looks at the world, and finds it beautiful, finds it good. It knows the universe to be a cosmos and not a chaos. The destructions and the devastations that the human individual experiences do not lie beyond the range of the human being's own experience. The moment the human individual withdraws his consciousness from the human limitations, and looks at this world, from the standpoint of the Eternal, he beholds everywhere the Kingdom of Heaven.

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The Pressure of the Presence of the Eternal
in the Human Individual Does not Allow Him to
Hypnotize Himself to the Human Situation, for long.

We are born of the Eternal. We are compounded of the substance of the Eternal. Let us not continue to hypnotize ourselves to the human conditions. Let us not be dominated and enslaved by the events of everyday and life experiences.

Let us be free, totally and truly free. Let the higher and yet higher capacities and powers of perception leap up into our conscious intelligence, from the bosom of the Eternal in our inner being. Let us unfold the higher capacities of the superconscious in us. Let the love in our hearts become universal, cosmic, and enable us to grow responsive to That which is eternal and transcendent in the universe. The Eternal is transcendent, while all the time it is immanent in all that is manifest.

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Conditions for the Experience of
the Eternal in the Field of Daily Life

We experience the Eternal truly, when we become its Heart, and that is possible by transcendence of time-space experience. So long as we are experiencing something, we have not the experience of the Eternal. The experience of the Eternal is the experience of the One, of the Infinite, of the Unity of the Absolute.

In our inner consciousness, if we perceive nothing other than the Eternal, if we subsist as nothing other than the Eternal, then we have a true experience of the Infinite. We are in the Timeless, we are in the Eternal, when in our inner being the experiencing subject, the object experienced, and the process of experience, become one. The moment we are conscious of something, time and space come into existence. The moment there is some manifestation, or phenomenon, there is time and space. When we rise into the unitary experience of the Eternal, we are in the Timeless, we are in the Spaceless, we are in That which is all-perfect.

The field of relatedness is the space-time world. Where one is conscious of something other than oneself, there is the operation of time and, simultaneously with it, the presence of space. Where does this take place? In the Eternal. By what power does it take place? Of the Eternal. When and how does it take place? Reason, a product of this happening, has no answer; the heart which is one with the Eternal, knows it.

The Eternal, as we have seen before, is indestructible, affected by nothing, cannot be touched, or seen, by anything. The One without a second is touched by nothing; for, to itself, there is nothing other than itself. It is all-wonderful. It maintains the whole cosmic system. It sustains the invisible worlds. All the worlds in the cycles of cosmic creation of the past, are there in It. All the cycles of cosmic creation that are to come, are also there in It.

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The Marvellous Intelligence of the All-recording
Divine Consciousness of the Eternal, is
the Heart of our Inner Being

It is the marvellous Intelligence which records everything, which retains everything, yet it is all-pure, not sullied by what it records and retains, not burdened by what it brings into existence, not burdened by what it knows. It is the all-marvellous Reality. The mystic who is one with it, can be really called a pure man. He has the purity of the divine Consciousness. He is the most blesséd man. The blessédness of the Kingdom of Heaven has become reality in his living inner heart experience.

The Eternal Being above time, above space, is the Eternal Now. It is the Eternal Everywhere. It is here, and everything is here for It. It is the Now and the Here.

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Results of the Touch of the Timeless

The Eternal is the All. Let us seek to know this Divinity. Let us touch this Infinite, by our awakened intelligence, or by the radiance of our transformed and transfigured inner consciousness and nature. If we touch the Eternal, we become fearless; death becomes meaningless; limitations are annulled; our peace persists in the most trying circumstances; our happiness remains in all conditions and circumstances; God begins to speak through us, live through us, and enriches, through our personalities of love and light, the world.

If we touch this Eternal, we have the Bank which is unfailing in its treasures, we have the Power which is the Power over all other powers. Our possibilities become endless. We stand illuminated. Our life is fulfilled and blesséd. The world reveals the Divine Kingdom which it conceals from the common view. All nature discloses to us the Face of God. We are conscious of, and are also consciously one with, the Imperishable in things that are perishing.

The Eternal encounters us, in consciousness, everywhere, at all times, and our life becomes a perpetual paradise of unending Knowledge, of unending Peace, of unending Freedom. Let us seek to put ourselves in touch with this Eternal Being which is now with us, within us, and all around us.

Let us, in the solitude of the heart, in the silence of that consciousness, in the active contemplative condition of the inner being, seek to commune with this all-seeing, all-marvellous, Eternal, this infinite Beauty, this infinite Light, this all-seeing Intelligence, this all-creative Consciousness, this all-sustaining Absolute, this all-merciful God. Let all in us be in tune with It, here and now.

Swami Omkarananda

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